Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To Do List for the Kids

Last year I felt very rushed at the beginning of our school year, so I made some "to do" lists for the kids to hang in their rooms.  They are lists that have things they need to accomplish before they leave for school and before they go to bed at night.  I'm sure I got the idea from something I saw on pinterest, but there is nothing on any of my boards.  It was a fun project and a fun way to use some of my digital scrapbooking products.  The list that I am posting was made using the Abby Cadabby kit created by Artsinhand (by Tracy) the alphabet is Allison Pennington 2009-2012 (all rights reserved).  This photo is just to be used as an example.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Beginning

So...Angela and I have come across some really cool ideas over the years.  They have helped us become better followers of Christ, more prepared mothers and wives, and better stewards of what we have been entrusted with.  We have become obsessed do-it-yourselfers, fans of plant-based eating, and creative out the wazoo!  We just wanted to share some of the fun and smart stuff that we have found helpful. Hope you enjoy :)